A NSW Government Website

Meet Jayden

Jayden is a former NSW Government graduate who joined the program in 2016. He is currently working as a Senior Policy and Project Officer with the NSW Ministry of Health, based in Sydney. We interviewed Jayden when he commenced the Graduate Program.

What’s your current role with the NSW Government?

My current role is Senior Policy and Project Officer, Strategy and System Priorities Unit, Strategic Reform Branch, at the NSW Ministry of Health.

What did you like most about the graduate program?

I really appreciated the structured mentoring program. I learned a lot from my graduate program mentor, and still do.

What were three key things you learned in the graduate program?

Firstly, six months is absolutely enough time to make a difference!

Secondly, communicating simply and effectively will help you succeed in anything you do.

And lastly - it’s not about what you achieve when you are busy. It’s about what you achieve when things are moving slowly.

What’s the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received?

The greatest reflection of you and your work will be the way you leave the things that you haven’t finished. The person who follows you into your role should do a better job than you, because you should have paved the way for that to happen.

What advice would you give to a student or graduate thinking about applying for the program?

If you have a passion for helping people and are willing to work hard to make a difference, then this is the job for you!